Year 6 already!?
It doesn’t feel like long ago that the children were starting their journey in Year 3 and now they are beginning their final year. As the oldest in the school, it is the time to be role models for younger children and pass on all the positive behaviours they have learnt over the years.
Year 6 is always a challenging but great year. The curriculum is exciting with many interesting topics.
This year, for the first time, the children will be studying the topic of ‘Maafa’. They will learn all about Africa past and present and the development of the slave trade. They will also explore Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade, the causes and consequences of the European colonisation of Africa and the worldwide communities that make up the African diaspora. There will be some super writing opportunities from this topic. Reading is always at the forefront of our learning and over the year many enjoyable texts will be read; Freedom 1783 by Catherine Johnson will be our first book which is linked to the topic of Maafa.
Other topics include Frozen Kingdom which fits well into the curriculum over the winter months. This is a super topic to explore the polar regions and over the summer term, a firm favourite with the children will be the historical topic of Britain at War.
In maths, the children have already started to work with numbers up to 10 million! They will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge to DICE tasks working independently, pairs or in groups. TT Rockstars will be popular with the children to become more confident with their time tables.
In science, the children will start the year studying the topic of ‘Animals including humans’. The main focus will be understanding the heart and the circulatory system. It is certainly a topic that helps us to think about keeping healthy and to understand the importance of exercise. Over the year the children will gain a greater understanding of light, electricity and find out about Darwin and his theory of evolution.
PE lessons will cover a range of different sports. Starting with netball, we will then move on to dance, athletics, gymnastics and badminton.
RE lessons have already started; the children have enjoyed the sweet taste of apples and honey to start the topic of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Every half term we will study an aspect of one of the six major religions.
PSHE is an important topic and also a one that the children enjoy. Lessons may be discussion based, group or independent tasks. There are three main themes: relationships, living in the outside world and health and wellbeing.
We will also enjoy art and DT topics, computing challenges and even learning a little French. Tres bien!
The children will receive homework every Friday to be handed back in no later than Wednesday. Children will also be giving ten spelling every week and will be tested on these every Friday in school. The reading expectations are to read five times a week and will be given time in school to read. They could use
If you have any questions about Year 6, or would like some advice on how to support your child’s learning, please get in touch. All of the year 6 staff will help you in any way they can.