In Y5BH, we will be covering new and exciting topics throughout the year. We are starting with the historical topic ‘Dynamic Dynasties’- this topic will focus on life in Ancient China, exploring Ancient Chinese dynasties. Later in the year, we will also study the topics ‘Sow, grow and farm’ and ‘Ground breaking Greeks’.
In Year 5, children work in smaller teaching groups for Maths and English lessons, with work then tailored for the children. English and Maths homework is set weekly on a Friday, to be returned to school on the following Tuesday. The children are given new spellings on a Monday to be learned during the week in our spelling sessions and then tested on a Friday. Times tables will be learnt though Times Tables Rockstars.
In Science, we will be exploring and investigating topics such as Forces, Earth and Space, Animals including humans and properties and changes of materials. We will look into the concepts of these topics, as well as taking part in scientific investigations to explore the topics.If you have any questions about Year 5, or would like any advice or help in aiding your child’s learning, then please do not hesitate to get to in touch via Class DOJO. Remember that reading is an important skill and we would encourage children to be reading every night at home to develop their understanding, fluency and love for reading.