Diamond Hall Junior Academy-158


This is an exciting year in which our children will be introduced to new topics and new skills. Spelling will be taught every morning along with reading.

In literacy, we will be reading a range of novels. Our class novels will be ‘Escape to Pompeii’, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, ‘Into the Forest’, ‘Stone Age Boy’, The Iron Man’ and ‘Tiger Tiger’. We will use these texts as models for our own writing. Punctuation and grammar skills will be taught through the writing of different texts. 

In Maths we will follow the Maths No Problem programme of work. There will be a big focus on times tables this year using both lessons in class and using ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ which can be accessed at home. Children will receive immediate intervention to address any misconceptions in school and reasoning skills will be taught throughout the year. 

Lessons on an afternoon are dedicated to foundation subjects. Skills will be taught through topics. Our topics this year are ‘Rocks, Relics and Rumbles/ Amonites’, ‘Scrumdiddlyumptious’, ‘Through the Ages’, ‘Urban Pioneers’ and ‘Emperors and Empires/Mosaic Masters’. Children will also receive French and Music. Throughout the year we will be learning about the United Nations, Conventions of the Rights of the Child and how we can make sure everyone receives these rights. We will also be learning about British values.

What their teacher says:

It is fantastic to be in Year 3 again and meet the new children to our school. The children have started the year with great enthusiasm and I can tell it is going to be a fun one. Year 3 is an exciting year as the children start a new school and start their next chapter.
Mrs Crawford