
A busy week for Year 5 & 6

Date Published:
Friday 07 June 2024
  • Year 5 & 6
  • vYear 5 & 6
  • Year 5 & 6
  • Year 5 & 6
  • vYear 5 & 6
  • Year 5 & 6

Our students have had a busy week! Let's take a look at what they've been up to...

A group of children from Year 5 and 6 visited Sunderland's new Knife Angel art installation. After checking out the new artwork in the city centre, the group attended a knife awareness workshop.

Back in the classroom, 6LE became engineers for the afternoon. In groups, they learned about bridges, how they are designed and the importance of structures. The children tested out different bridge structures to see which structure could carry the heaviest load. We were very impressed with their communication and team work skills.

Out in the fresh air, Year 5 started their new PE topic, rounders. In a battle between 5CC and 5JP - 5CC were victorious. The children are very excited to spend the next few weeks learning the different skills ready for the rematch!