This morning, our children had the privilege of taking part in an #AskTheSpeaker session with John Bercow, a British politician who has been the Speaker of the House of Commons since June 2009.
Members of our School Council and Rights Respecting Committee asked Mr Bercow a range of questions relating to education, plastic pollution, Brexit and the institution of Parliament itself.
Miss Towers said, “It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our children to gain a detailed insight into Parliament. Mr Bercow gave thorough and personalised answers to our children’s questions which have inspired them to consider how they can make a positive impact on our country.
"A pertinent theme of the morning was that all children - regardless of background - should have equal opportunities to excel and achieve their full potential. As a Trust, we believe that every child should experience excellence every day; a message that was echoed by the words of John Bercow this morning.”
Femi, Year 4 said: "I think his advice will help me to speak more confidently in public in the future."
Riley, Year 5 said: "Listening to the speaker's advice has inspired me to work harder to achieve my goals."
Dilara, Year 5 said: "His quotes made me think about how I can improve the world."
Olivia, Year 4 said: "We listened to him shout ‘order’ like he does in The House of Commons - it was very funny."