Last week, Year 3 enjoyed exploring Broom House Farm in search for signs of spring.
There was lots of evidence all around with leaves in the hawthorn bushes starting to unfurl and buds on the horse chestnut trees starting to appear.
In the barn, the heavily-pregnant sheep were relaxing but Farmer Mark was on tenterhooks waiting for the arrival of the spring lambs. There were twin lambs that had been born early and they were only a few days old, they were so cute that Mrs Fenwick wanted to take them home – if only they’d fit in her handbag!
Jayden said: "I learned that the buds on a horse chestnut tree are sticky to stop birds and insects from eating them."
Macii said: "I learned that different chickens lay different coloured eggs: white chickens lay white eggs, dark brown chickens lay dark brown eggs, and light brown chickens lay light brown eggs."
Everyone had a great day – we’re already looking forward to our next visit later in the year.